Proceddings of the INternational Conference on the Development of Organic Agriculture Industry
廖君達、陳裕星、張致盛 主編
行政院農業委員會台中區農業改良場 編印
中華民國 101 年 10 月
頁次 | 目錄 | |
1 | 臺灣地區有機農業產業發展Development of organic agriculture industry in Taiwan / 陳世雄 | |
21 | 歐盟地區有機農業產業發展策略:市場與政策之關鍵因素Strategies on the development of organic agriculture in European Union : Key issues related especially to market and policy / Anamarija Slabe | |
33 | 調整栽培系統進行植物病蟲害的生物防治Biological control of plant diseases and insects by cultivation systems / 木嶋利男 | |
39 | 有機稻作的概念與技術The concepts and practices in organic rice farming / 舘野廣幸 | |
51 | 水稻集約栽培系統,有機水稻增產管理技術案例The system of rice intensification : Case study of a rice cultivation method for increasing rice grain yield through better management / Joeli Barison | |
63 | 臺灣地區有機農產品認驗成果與發展政策Present organic agriculture accreditation and certification achievement and policy development in Taiwan / 張明郎 | |
73 | 臺灣地區有機農產品行銷與農夫市集Organic product marketing and farmers' market in Taiwan / 董時叡 | |
85 | 有機水稻栽培體系之研發與建立Research and integrated management of organic rice production system / 宣大平、林泰佑、陳任芳、潘昶儒、黃佳興、施清田 | |
117 | 有機蔬菜栽培體系之研發與建立Research and integrated management of organic vegetable production system / 戴振洋、蔡正宏、陳葦玲 | |
131 | 有機香蕉生產體系之研發與建立Research and integrated management of organic banana production system / 蔣世超 | |
149 | 天敵在國內外有機農業害蟲防治上的利用The utilization of natural enemies for the control of insect pests at organic farming in Taiwan and other countries / 章加寶、黃勝泉、吳怡慧 | |
165 | 農業有益微生物研發與應用Research and application of beneficial micro-organisms on agriculture / 陳俊位、蔡宜峰、鄧雅靜、曾德賜 |