84-6 兩種有機介質及四種鉀肥用量對彩色海芋生長及切花產量之影響
研究彙報第八十四期 , Page 75- 83,出版時間:2004- 9, 詳細內容
本研究目的在探討不同介質及鉀肥用量處理對彩色海芋植株生育、切花產量、切花品質及養分吸收特性之影響,以期做為彩色海芋肥培管理研究及應用之參考。本試驗採用二種有機介質 ( 太空包堆肥介質及泥炭苔介質 ) 及四種鉀肥用量 (0 、 150 、 300 、 450 kg K2O/ha) 。由試驗結果顯示,彩色海芋切花產量在使用太空包堆肥介質中,以鉀肥用量 300 kg/ha 處理之 3.50 no./plant 較高,惟鉀肥用量 150 、 300 、 450 kg K2O /ha 處理間差異不顯著。另彩色海芋切花產量在使用泥炭苔介質中,亦以鉀肥用量 300 kg K2O /ha 處理之 4.16 no./plant 較高,且鉀肥用量 300 及 450 kg K2O /ha 處理間差異不顯著。在使用太空包堆肥介質時,彩色海芋植株地上部及根部之氮、磷、鉀、鈣及鎂等營養要素吸收量在鉀肥用量 150 及 300 kg K2O /ha 處理可以獲得較高值,惟彩色海芋球莖之氮、磷、鉀、鈣及鎂等營養要素吸收量在鉀肥用量 300 及 450 kg K2O /ha 處理可以獲得較高值。如使用泥炭苔介質時,彩色海芋植株地上部、根部及球莖之氮、磷、鉀、鈣及鎂等營養要素吸收量在鉀肥用量 300 及 450 kg K2O /ha 處理可以獲得較高值。因此綜合考量各鉀肥用量處理間的切花產量與養分吸收量之顯著差異性,使用太空包堆肥介質或泥炭苔介質時,彩色海芋切花期之經濟合理的鉀肥推薦用量應分別為 150 及 300 kg K2O /ha 。
關鍵字: 彩色海芋、有機介質、鉀肥 、切花產量、養分吸收 。
Experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different organic mediums and potassium rates on the growth, yield and quality of cut flower and nutrient uptakes of calla lily (Zantedeschia Spreng). Two kinds of organic mediums (mushroom compost and peatmoss) and four rates of potassium fertilizer (0, 150, 300 and 450 K2O kg/ha) were used in this experiment. The results indicated that there were no significant difference on the yield of cut flower between the treatments of 150, 300 and 450 K2O kg/ha, but the best yield of cut flower (3.50 No./plant) was found on the treatment of 300 K2O kg/ha on mushroom compost medium. For peatmoss medium, the best yield of cut flower (3.50 No./plant) also found on the application of 300 K2O kg/ha, but there were no significant difference on the yield of cut flower between the treatments of 300 and 450 K2O kg/ha. The maximum N, P, K, Ca and Mg uptakes of the shoot and root of calla lily showed on the application of 150 and 300 K2O kg/ha with growing on mushroom compost medium. For the N, P, K, Ca and Mg uptakes of the tuber of calla lily, the maximum values found on the application of 300 and 450 K2O kg/ha. The maximum N, P, K, Ca and Mg uptakes of the shoot, root and tuber of calla lily showed on the application of 300 and 450 K2O kg/ha with growing on peatmoss medium. In respect of the yield of cut flower and the nutrient uptakes of calla lily, the optimum amount of 150 and 300 K2O kg/ha were recommended for the cultivation of calla lily at blooming stage with growing on mushroom compost and peatmoss medium, respectively.
Key words: Calla Lily (Zantedeschia spp. ), organic medium , potassium fertilizer, cut-flower, nutrient uptake .