研究彙報第八十四期 , Page 63- 73,出版時間:2004- 9, 詳細內容
摘 要
番石榴為中部地區重要之經濟果樹,主要栽培品種有珍珠拔、世紀拔及水晶拔等三種。其生育期間主要發生病害有 炭疽病 (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) 、 黑星病 (Phyllosticta psidiicola) 、 瘡痂病 ( Pestalotia psidii ) 、立枯病 ( Myxosporium psidii ) 及煤煙病 ( Phaeosaccardinula javanica ) 等。其中以炭疽病、黑星病及瘡痂病為害果實最為嚴重。本試驗主要目的在於調查番石榴病害之發生消長,並進行防治藥劑篩選。於 2003 年選擇彰化縣二水鄉、社頭鄉及員林鎮等地區調查番石榴 炭疽病、 黑星病、 瘡痂病 及 煤煙病之週年消長,結果顯示炭疽病主要 發生於 6~8 月及 10~2 月。 黑星病為 7 ~10 月,煤煙病則 全年均有發生,主要發生月份為 11 ~2 月 。田間藥劑篩選防治工作於 2003 年 7 月在二水鄉番石榴產區進行,防治對象為炭疽病及黑星病,供試品種為珍珠拔,供試藥劑包括 25% 克熱淨溶液 800 倍、 75% 四氯異苯腈可溼性粉劑 600 倍、 44.2% 克收欣水懸劑 2,000 倍、 33.5% 快得寧水懸劑 1,000 倍、 24.9% 待克利乳劑 3000 倍、 40% 邁克尼可濕性粉劑 12,000 倍、 80% 免得爛水分散性粒劑 750 倍及無藥劑處理等八種。結果顯示 44.2% 克收欣水懸劑、 24.9% 待克利乳劑 3,000 倍及 33.5% 快得寧水懸劑 1,000 倍對番石榴炭疽病皆有防治效果。於番石榴黑星病發生時,供試藥劑 44.2% 克收欣水懸劑 2,000 倍可有效防治炭疽病及黑星病的發生,另外 75% 四氯異苯腈可溼性粉劑 600 倍具有防治煤煙病的效果。
關鍵字: 番石榴、炭疽病、黑星病、煤煙病、藥劑 。
Occurrence of the Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporoides), Black Spot (Phyllosticta psidiicola) and Sooty Mold ( Phaeosaccardinula javanica ) on Guava and Their Chemical Control Trials
Shih-Tsai Yeh
The guava is an important economic fruit in Taiwan. The major fruit diseases included anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporoides, scab caused byPestalotia psidii and black spot caused byPhyllosticta psidiicola. Only 23% Azoxystrobin SC was recommended to control the anthracnose. The occurrence of fruit diseases and their chemical control were studied during 2003 to 2004. Results showed that the peak occurrence of the anthracnose was June. to Aug. and Oct. to Feb. The black spot and sooty molds were occurred on Jul. to Oct. and Nov. to Feb. Seven fungicides including 25 % Iminoctadine triacetate S at 1:800 dilution, 75% Chlorothalonil WP at 1:600 dilution , 44.2% Kresoxim-methyl SC at 1:2000 dilution, 33.5% Oxine-copper SC at 1:1000 dilution, 24.9% Difenoconazole EC at 1:3000 dilution, 40% Myclobutanil WP at 1:12000 dilution, 80% Metiram WG at 1:750 dilution were conducted for controlling guava anthracnose and nontreatment as a control. Results showed that 44.2% Kresoxim-methyl SC at 1:2000 dilution, 24.9% Difenoconazole E C at 1:3000 dilution, and 33.5% Oxine-copper SC at 1:1000 dilution had a better effect to the anthracnose. The 44.2% Kresoxim-methyl SC at 1:2000 dilution was highly effective against both anthracnose and black spot diseases. Furthermore, 75% Chlorothalonil WP at 1:600 dilution was to be effective for the control of the sooty mold.
Key words: guava, anthracnose, black spot, sooty molds, fungicides.