



首頁 > 出版刊物 > 研究彙報 > 研究彙報第84期-2004年09月出刊 > 84-3 長期施用菜籽粕肥料對水稻生育之影響

84-3 長期施用菜籽粕肥料對水稻生育之影響

研究彙報第八十四期 , Page 29- 44,出版時間:2004- 9, 詳細內容

摘  要

   本試驗自 1995 年二期作開始執行,至 2000 年二期作止。在臺中區農業改良場試驗田進行田間試驗,探討長期以菜籽粕做為有機質肥料,對於臺農 67 號、臺中 189 號、臺稉 6 號、臺稉 9 號及臺中秈 10 號等五種水稻生育之影響。經由試驗結果,一期作全有機栽培在 1996 及 2000 年之產量,均顯著高於化學栽培者。二期作全有機栽培在 1995 、 1998 及 1999 年之產量表現,均與化學栽培者相似。顯示每公頃施用 4 噸菜籽粕 (1/2 基肥、 1/4 追肥及 1/4 穗肥 ) ,可提供水稻生長所需之礦物元素吸收。二期作全有機栽培之稔實率及千粒重顯著較化學栽培者為低,顯示全有機栽培病蟲害發生較嚴重,為影響產量之主要因子。全有機栽培以臺中秈 10 號具有較高之一穗粒數,因此產量表現最高;臺稉 9 號則具有較低之一穗粒數及稔實率,因此產量表現最低。

關鍵字: 水稻、菜籽粕、生育 。


Effects of Long Term Application of Rape Seed Meal on the Growing of Rice
Jiann-Feng Lee, Yung-Wu Chen, Shih-Shiung Chen and Yi-Fong Tsai
   Field experiments were carried out on Taichung DARES from 1995 through 2000 to investigate the effects of long term application of rape seed meal on the growth of five rice cultivars, i.e., Tainung 67, Taichung 189, Tai keng 6 and Tai keng 9 of Japonica type, and Taichung sen 10 of Indica type. Conventional, semi-organic and organic farming were conducted in this study. Experimental results revealed that organic farming had higher yield than that of conventional farming on the first crop of 1996 and 2000. Organic farming showed no significant difference yield as compared to that of conventional farming on the second crop of 1995, 1998 and 1999. The results revealed that rape seed meal 2 ton/ha served as base fertilizers, 1 ton/ha served as top-dressing, and 1 ton/ha served at panicle initiation were practiced, that enough applied adsorption on growing of rice. On the second crop, organic farming had lower seed setting and 1,000-grain weight than that of conventional farming, organic farming had more serious diseases and pests that was the main effect factor. On the organic farming system, Taichung Sen 10 had higher kernels per panicle and yield than other cultivars. Tai Keng 9 had lower kernels per panicle, seed setting and yield than other cultivars.
Key words: rice (Oryza sativa L.), rape seed meal, growth .