84-1 放植滿江紅及有機質肥料施用對有機水稻栽培之研究
研究彙報第八十四期 , Page 1- 10,出版時間:2004- 9, 詳細內容
本研究目的為探討放植滿江紅與有機水稻間作共作,對稻田雜草防除之效益,以及探討滿江紅與有機質肥料對水稻生長與產量之影響。由試驗結果顯示,滿江紅生殖生長迅速重疊覆蓋稻田水面,對稻田之雜草於一期作有 86.1~94.6% 及二期作有 86.2~95.9% 抑制萌生之效果。放植滿江紅與水稻間作共作之稻穀產量較對照 ( 不放植 ) 一期作增產 5.1~5.6% ,二期作稻穀產量增產 4.8~6.6% 達統計顯著水準。一期及二期稻穀產量在施用不同用量有機質肥料處理間均未達差異顯著水準。由試驗結果顯示栽培有機水稻施用有機質肥料之氮素總含量,於一期作約 112.5 kg N/ha 及二期作約 97.5 kg N/ha 之用量範圍,再配合放植滿江紅與水稻共作,可以獲得較佳的產量效益。
關鍵字: 滿江紅、有機質肥料、有機水稻 。
The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of Azolla and organic fertilizer on the cultivation of organic rice. The results indicated that the fresh weight of weeds in rice field decreased about 86.2-95.9% on the treatment of Azolla than the check. The yield of organic rice on the application of Azolla increased about 5.1-5.6% in first crop and increased about 4.8-6.6% in second crop than the check, respectively. On the application of organic fertilizer, the rice yield increased about 0.8% on the application rate of 100% than 75% in first crop, but decreased about 0.7% on the application rate of 100% than 75% in second crop. Therefore, the application rate of nitrogen should be 112.5 kg/ha in first crop and 97.5 kg/ha in second crop with the application of Azolla.
Key words: Azolla, organic fertilizer, organic rice.