
首頁 > 出版刊物 > 研究彙報 > 研究彙報第82期-2004年03月出刊 > 82-1 氮肥及鉀肥用量對香蜂草生長效應之研究

82-1 氮肥及鉀肥用量對香蜂草生長效應之研究

研究彙報第八十二期 , Page 1- 13,出版時間: 2004- 3, 詳細內容


作者: 蔡宜峰 張隆仁 邱建中
摘  要

   本研究目的在於探討利用氮及鉀二種化學肥料不同使用量,對香蜂草 生育及產量 之影響,以期建立適宜且合理的使用技術。試驗處理為氮肥及鉀肥不同使用量,包括 N-P2O5-K2O : 200-50-200 ; 100-50-200 ; 200-50-100 ; 100-50-100 ; 0-50-0 kg/ha 等五級處理,連續進行三期作試驗。由試驗結果顯示,香蜂草採收期的地上部株高、鮮重及乾重等生育性狀,以 不施氮與鉀肥 處理顯著較差 ,在其餘各肥料處理間則互有差異。 由香蜂草採收期地上部植株氮、磷、鉀、鈣及鎂等養分吸收量分析結果顯示,以 不施氮與鉀肥 處理顯著較差 ,在其餘各氮與鉀肥料處理間則互有差異,其中 香蜂草採收期地上部植株氮及鉀吸收量,分別隨著 氮與鉀肥料處理用量增加而增加。由土壤肥力分析結果顯示, 不同氮肥用量處理對 土壤電導度有顯著的影響效應,且土壤電導度隨著 氮肥用量增加而增加。 不同鉀肥用量處理會顯著影響土壤交換性鉀含量,在鉀肥用量較高處理下,顯著增加 土壤 交換鉀含量。綜合以上結果顯示, 使用 氮肥 100 kg/ha 及 鉀肥 100 kg/ha 應是栽培 香蜂草較經濟合理的氮及鉀肥料用量。

關鍵字: 香蜂草 、氮肥、鉀肥 。

Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizers on the Growth of Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
Yi-Fong Tsai, Long-Zen and Chien-Chung Chiu
Field experiments with three cropping seasons were to evaluate the effects of application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers on the growth of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis). Five treatments were conducted with different application rates of N-P2O5-K2O, including 200-50-200, 100-50-200, 200-50-100, 100-50-100, and 0-50-0 kg/ha. The results indicated that the height, fresh weight, and dry weight of shoot of lemon balm at harvest stage on check treatment (N-P2O5-K2O:0-50-0 kg/ha) were significantly lower than these of the others, however there were significant or no significant differences among the treatments but check treatment. The N, P, K, Ca, and Mg uptakes of lemon balm at harvest stage of check treatment were significantly lower than those of the others, however, there were significant and no significant differences among treatments. Increasing the application rate of N and K fertilizers increased the N and K uptakes of the shoot of lemon balm, respectively. Increasing application rate of N and K fertilizers significantly increased the soil electric conductivity and exchangeable potassium content, respectively. Therefore, the application rates with 100(N) and 100 (K2O) kg/ha were appropriated and suitable for lemon balm.

Key words: lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), nitrogen fertilizer, potassium fertilizer.