
首頁 > 出版刊物 > 研究彙報 > 研究彙報第89期-2005年12月出刊 > 89-3 夏季遮陰栽培對唐菖蒲切花品質之影響

89-3 夏季遮陰栽培對唐菖蒲切花品質之影響

研究彙報第八十九期 , Page 19- 29,出版時間:2005- 12, 詳細內容
作者: 蔡宛育、易美秀
摘  要

   本試驗探討夏季露天栽培及使用遮陰網栽培方式種植唐菖蒲對植株生育及切花品質之影響,由試驗結果遮陰處理對唐菖蒲生育情形有顯著之影響,遮陰栽培狀況下其花莖長度較長、葉片品質較佳,並可減少葉面發生壞疽現象;不同葉齡進行遮陰處理,以 4 至 5 葉齡效果最佳,本試驗結果將可供農民栽培時參考,符合經濟效益,使生產者得到更大利潤。

關鍵字: 唐菖蒲、遮光、品質。


The Effects of Summer Shading on the Cut-flower Quality of Gladiolus
Woan-Yuh Tsai and Meei-Shiou Yih

   A cultural practice using 15% net shading was evaluated to improve gladiolus growth and cut flower quality. Comparing with the plants in the open field, plants under net shading were found to have higher plant height, longer flower stalk, better leaf quality and less leaf necrosis. When timings of shading at different growing stages were tested, the result of plants shaded at 4-5 leaf stage showed the most effective. The economical profits were calculated, and the practice was introduced to growers.