
首頁 > 出版刊物 > 研究彙報 > 研究彙報第82期-2004年03月出刊 > 82-6 蕎麥組成分及保健成分分析

82-6 蕎麥組成分及保健成分分析

研究彙報第八十二期 , Page 61- 69,出版時間:2004- 3, 詳細內容



作者:曾勝雄 張正英 蘇慧美
摘  要

   為發展國內蕎麥產業於 2003 年進行蕎麥品種間一般組成分及保健成分分析,以供食品加工業者開發蕎麥保健食品之參考。由分析結果獲知,韃靼種蕎麥種仁中蛋白質、脂肪及灰分含量比普通種蕎麥高出 37.7% 、 10.7% 及 26.8% ,澱粉含量較普通種蕎麥減少 7.1% ,且芸香苷及檞皮素含量比普通種蕎麥高出 8.3 倍及 7.2 倍,其鉀、鎂、鐵及錳含量比普通種蕎麥增加 35.5% 、 32.8% 、 16.0% 及 17.2% ,頗適合開發成保健食品。

關鍵字: 蕎麥、保健、芸香苷、檞皮素。


Analysis the compounds on the Proximate and Medicinal of Backwheat
Sheng-Hsiung Tseng, Tsen-Ing Chang and Hwui-May su
   Fifty buckwheat varieties were grown in our experimental farm and their proximate and medicinal constituents were analyzed and compared. These determinants might provide crucial information for the development of buckwheat as a nutraceutic product. The results showed that the protein, fat and ash contents of Tartar dehulled buckwheat were higher than those of common buckwheat varieties by 37.7%, 10.7% and 26.8%, respectively, but the starch content was lower by 7.1%. Moreover, Tartar buckwheat comprised 8.3 and 7.2 times of rutin and quercetin in comparison with common buckwheat varieties. The amounts of potassium, magnesium, ion, and manganese in Tartar buckwheat were found higher than those in common buckwheat varieties by 35.5%, 32.8%, 16.0%, and 17.2%, respectively. It is recommended that Tartar buckwheat is suitable for development of nutraceutic products.
Key words: buckwheat, medicinal constituent, rutin, quercetin.