
首頁 > 出版刊物 > 研究彙報 > 研究彙報第82期-2004年03月出刊 > 82-5 綜合論述報告:臺灣原生蕙蘭屬植物遺傳資源之分類與生育特性

82-5 綜合論述報告:臺灣原生蕙蘭屬植物遺傳資源之分類與生育特性

研究彙報第八十二期 , Page 51- 60,出版時間:2004- 3, 詳細內容



作者:陳裕星 張莉欣
摘  要

   蕙蘭屬植物原生於臺灣者有十個種,即鳳蘭 (Cymbidium dayanum) 、金稜邊 (C. pumilum or C. floribundum) 、建蘭 (C. ensifolium) 、報歲蘭 (C. sinense) 、寒蘭 (C. kanran) 、九華蘭 (C. faberi) 、春蘭 (C. formosanum) 、菅草蘭 (C. tortisepalum) 、竹柏蘭 (C. lancifolium) 及綠花竹柏蘭 (C. javanicum var. aspidistrifolium) ,多為中小型蕙蘭,其中金稜邊為多花型蕙蘭重要種原,建蘭耐熱,生長迅速,於夏季開花,花莖直立且具香氣,這些種原皆具有極高育種價值。

關鍵字: 蕙蘭屬、遺傳資源、臺灣。


The Taxonomy, Growth Habit and Utilization of Indigenous Genetic Resources of the Genus Cymbidium of Taiwan
Yu-Hsin Chen and Li-Shin Chang
   There are 10 Cymbidium species native to Taiwan including: Cymbidium dayanum, C. pumilum (C. floribundum), C. ensifolium, C. sinense, C. kanran, C. faberi, C. formosanum, C. tortisepalum, C. lancifolium and C. javanicum var. aspidistrifolium. Most of these species are compact growth-habit miniatures, in which the C. pumilum has given rise to an entire race of magnificent miniatures and the C. ensifolium is a rapid-growth heat tolerant species, blooms in the late summer with erect spikes and fragrant flowers. These species all hold great potential in breeding programs.
Key words: Cymbidium, genetic resources, Taiwan.