
首頁 > 出版刊物 > 研究彙報 > 研究彙報第82期-2004年03月出刊 > 82-3 進口米與國產良質米品質之比較

82-3 進口米與國產良質米品質之比較

研究彙報第八十二期 , Page 33- 42,出版時間:2004- 3, 詳細內容
作者:洪梅珠 洪美珠
摘  要

   於 2003 年 3 月在市面上購買進口米與國產良質米,並進行品質分析,比較其間之差異,以供消費者買米及各界參考用。結果發現以日本魚沼越光米及新潟越光米最貴 ( 約 250 元 /kg) ,其價格為國產越光米的 2.6~3.0 倍,為美國越光米及澳洲越光米的 4.5 倍,為國產良質米臺稉 9 號的 5~7 倍,美國加州米及泰國香米的價格,與彰化縣產的良質米臺稉 9 號、東部產的高雄 139 號及臺稉 8 號相近,但比南投縣產的良質米臺稉 9 號及大甲產的臺中秈 10 號貴。外觀品質均符合 CNS 一等白米規格。泰國香米及美國香米屬長粒細長形米,美國加州米及國產臺中秈 10 號屬中粒中間形米,其餘均屬短粒粗圓形米。白米液 pH 值以美國香米較低,而以國產米及日本米較高。彰化縣產越光米及澳洲越光米的胺基酸組成中,甲硫胺酸所佔的比率均比池上產越光米、日本越光米及美國越光米高。米飯食味以美國香米、泰國香米及美國加州米較差屬 C 級,其餘樣品則屬 B 級。

關鍵字: 進口米、國產米、米質。

The Comparison of Rice Quality between Imported Rice and domestic High Quality Rice
Mei-Chu Hong and Mei-Chu Hung

  The quality of all rice samples had been qualified as the CNS first grade of milled rice. Thailand aroma rice and America aroma rice are long grain type with slender in shape, California rice and domestic rice of Taichung sen 10 are medium grain type with intermediate in shape. The other samples belong to short grain type with round in shape. The pH value of America aroma rice was the lowest among all tested samples. However all domestic rice, Niigata Koshihikari and Uonuma Koshihikari had higher pH value. The America aroma rice, Thailand aroma rice and California rice showed the worst in palatability which belong to grade C. The other samples belong to grade B.

  The imported and domestic rice were sampled from supermarket to investigate the variation of rice quality on March, 2003. The information can be referred to consumers in buying high quality milled rice. The results showed that the price of Niigata Koshihikari and Uonuma Koshihikari is the most expensive, which is about 250 NT/kg. The price was 2.6-3.0, 4.5 and 5-7 times higher than domestic Koshihikari, America & Australia Koshihikari rice and CAS Taikeng 9, respectively. However the price of California rice and Thailand aroma rice is similar to CAS Taikeng 9 produced from Changhua County, Kaohsiung 139 and CAS Taikeng 8 produced from east Taiwan, but is more expensive than CAS Taikeng 9 produced from Nanto County and Taichung sen 10 produced from Tachia.

Key words: imported rice, domestic rice, rice quality.